Technical characteristics




Vicat softening temperature UNE EN ISO 306 78
Acetone resistance 40132 Good
Flexion modulus ISO 178 A 2500 ± 214 Mpa
Maximum tension ISO 178 A 57,3 ± 3,9 Mpa
Elongation rupture ISO 527/2 527/1. 1997 160 ± 24,7%
Resistance to CHARPY impact ISO 179 at 23ºC it doesn`t break at -20ºC: 13,86 ± 1,81 KJ/m2
Residual vinyl chloride content as per directive 80/76/CEE UNE - EN ISO 6401 ND (non quantifiable)
Migration of plastics in contact with foods UNE 1186-14:2003 3,2 ± 0,5
Global migration in aqueous simulators through total immersion UNE 1186-3:2002 3,3 ± 0,5
Classification reaction to fire Euroclase UNE 13501-1:2007+A1:2010 B-s3,d0